Up to 40% of people with an anxiety disorder don’t get the symptom relief they need with oral medication and other traditional treatments. At CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina,the team offers ketamine therapy, an innovative treatment that can relieve severe anxiety even when nothing else has worked. Call the office or schedule your evaluation online now to learn more.
request an appointmentWhat is anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of tension, unease, and worry. Everyone experiences anxiety at some point, but it’s usually a short-lived issue. About 3 in 10 Americans experience more persistent and intrusive anxiety — an anxiety disorder — during their lifetime.
What are anxiety disorders?
The American Psychiatric Association classifies anxiety disorders in six categories, including:
Generalized anxiety disorder
With generalized anxiety disorder, the combination of worry and tension (often regarding common daily issues) becomes intrusive. You may worry excessively about work, your health, upcoming events, or other things.
Specific phobia
Phobias involve powerful and excessive fears regarding an activity, object, or situation that isn’t actually harmful. People with a phobia often take extensive measures or disrupt their lives to avoid the cause of the phobia.
Panic disorder
Panic disorder involves recurrent panic attacks — episodes of severe psychological and physical symptoms. Chest pain, dizziness, heart palpitations, uncontrollable shaking, or other frightening symptoms are common during a panic attack.
Social anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder features considerable anxiety and unease about social situations. People with this type of disorder may go to great lengths to avoid being in public.
Separation anxiety disorder
Separation anxiety disorder involves intense fear or worry about being apart from another person. This may involve extreme measures to avoid separation, and it may cause physical symptoms like insomnia.
Agoraphobia is an intense fear of situations that leave no path of escaping. People with agoraphobia often fear public transportation, being in a crowd, or being in closed-in places. Agoraphobia can disrupt daily life or make it impossible to leave home.
Some anxiety disorders emerge in other types of mental health disorders. For example, many people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience panic attacks.
How are anxiety disorders treated?
The most common treatment for anxiety disorders involves medication and therapy. But up to 40% of people with anxiety disorders don’t find relief, even after trying multiple medications and evidence-based psychological therapies. If you’re in this group, ketamine infusions may help.
Ketamine was used as an anesthetic for many years until doctors discovered that it can have even greater benefits for patients with chronic pain syndromes and mental health conditions.
How ketamine works is enormously complex and is still being studied, but experts believe that it helps your brain to rebuild the broken synaptic connections that led to your anxiety. It also helps to create new neural pathways that can lessen the recurrence of anxiety disorder symptoms.
A comprehensive evaluation determines whether you’re a good candidate for ketamine. It can be life-changing for many people with treatment-resistant anxiety disorders.
Ketamine goes straight into your bloodstream and immediately goes to work to relieve your symptoms. Many people experience benefits almost right away.
Do you want to find out if ketamine could help you? Call CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center or click the provided scheduling link now.