Up to 30% of people with depression don’t get relief with oral medication or other traditional treatment approaches. At CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the caring team specialize in managing this frustrating type of depression safely and effectively in their Winston-Salem, North Carolina, office. Ketamine infusions can open the door to a new life, so learn more by calling the office or clicking the online scheduling tool now.

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What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression can take many forms, and it affects every person in a unique way. Some of the more common experiences that you may have with depression include:

  • Lack of interest in your usual hobbies
  • Poor concentration
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Frequently becoming tearful
  • Sleep difficulties (too much or too little sleep)
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in weight
  • Fatigue
  • Preoccupation with death
  • Thoughts of self-harm

Depression and anxiety often occur together, with up to 50% of people with major depressive disorder also experiencing an anxiety disorder during their lifetime.

And, many people with depression have chronic pain. In fact, people with depression have triple the risk of developing chronic pain, and vice versa.

What is treatment-resistant depression?

Treatment-resistant depression doesn’t improve with treatment. If you’ve tried medication, psychotherapy, and other traditional treatments in various combinations without success, don’t lose hope.

You may need a different approach, and that’s exactly what CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center specializes in.

How is treatment-resistant depression treated?

At CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center, the experts offer ketamine infusions for treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine, once used mainly as an anesthetic in surgery, is now one of the leading solutions for patients who need an alternative solution for treatment-resistant depression.

While the exact way that ketamine works is highly complicated, it essentially affects certain chemical messengers in your brain to spur the rebuilding of neural connections. It also encourages new neural connections that lead to healthier thought patterns.

Ultimately, this can lighten the burden of treatment-resistant depression with nearly immediate effects.

Is ketamine right for me?

If you’re struggling with depression and have already tried multiple antidepressant medications along with psychotherapy and other standard treatment options, you could be a good candidate for ketamine.

The CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center team can evaluate your individual situation and needs to recommend a treatment plan for you. While it’s not right for everyone, ketamine is a life-changing treatment approach for many people with treatment-resistant depression. So, it’s a good treatment option to add to your treatment toolbox.

To learn more about ketamine and find out if you’re a candidate, call CAREolina Wellness and Infusion Center or click on the scheduling link now.